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I ain't gay, so I gotta say something

 Anon asked, anon is a random person on the internet, anon asked:

why do people choose to be gay or bisexual?


Porn helps them after a life of brutality, even early.

Watching available things turns into the escape after being kicked out through beatings.

The anal situation, painful as it may be, astounds the opponent, or lover, and the memory is the inner and gruesome reality of air and holding one's self against another of the same gender, usually someone you fight, that is not some mathematical or medical truth.

They prefer that beating, take two beatings, grant themselves all the dark spots in "triangles of life" against the wall, crawling, peering, dying sometimes, and they would rather still be part of the crew instead of listen and sometimes obey. Just act.

But it eventually becomes an issue of being part of something.

It actually is always that, and it is something criminal. Never not. So, it's more about avoiding having to be smart and all that and gain from what influence their majority mother has in place for what is feminine in their world.


How is your day? I'm just chillin'
