The line used to choose a square, the quotient of a triangle, is the most exhilirating part of math. And without poetry, using it, as in making yourself focus on it, you get this effect that you have just chosen the square it represents, and you do it by fulfilling the cornerstone and its requirements. Note: Did this sound like physical body instructions? Yes? Bc it should have, and I mean it will be an issue of understanding the orders to feel or acheive the created understanding. All words that end a sentence here have a unique body requirement, that you can gain from other readings for certain, but that will not allow someone to gain an intimate understanding of the level of sophistication another group of people can use math to create a running and current patent of appropriate and cancelling variables. It makes a reader smarter by page two to work this way, than even a University professor. A chosen variable could mean anything to a scared kid, it isn't important to use issue....
Chiyoyononanarandara. Dasu na do. All content here was created by me.